Pilgrimage of El Rocío. May

The Pilgrimage of El Rocío is celebrated in the village of El Rocío, located 64 kilometers from the capital of Huelva, which belongs to the town of Almonte, adjacent to the Doñana National Park.

Every year, Huelva capital dresses up and celebrates the departure of the Brotherhoods of Huelva to El Rocio. The Royal, Venerable and Fervent Brotherhood of Ntra. of Our Lady of El Rocío de Emigrantes de Huelva, is one of the most emblematic of those who come to the village of Almonteña. It begins its pilgrimage on Wednesday with the Romeros Mass, which takes place at eight o’clock in the morning and marks the beginning of the journey through the city, among the general joy and the ¡vivas! to the Blanca Paloma.

Do not miss the most significant stops that the caravan has in Huelva:

  • Command of the Civil Guard, where a floral offering is made.
  • City Hall, where the Municipal Corporation, headed by the mayor, bids her farewell, and is enlivened by the municipal band and the rociero choir of the Brotherhood.
  • Comandancia de Marina where we arrive at approximately half past one in the afternoon and a Salve Marinera is sung.

The insignias are then collected, the float of the Simpecado is lightened and takes the avenue Francisco Montenegro to La Rábida, place traditionally chosen to make the restorative stop for lunch and give rest and water to the beasts. Once again on route, the procession takes the Mazagón road and between kilometer 16 and 17 enters the sand road, connecting with the road to Moguer until the Tres Rayas. There, among pine and eucalyptus trees, takes place the night stop where scenes of healthy pilgrimage coexistence take place.

For its part, “the way” of the Royal and Illustrious Brotherhood of Our Lady of El Rocío de Huelva begins on Thursday at eight o’clock in the morning, with the Mass of Romeros, a very emotional act with which begins the pilgrimage of this corporation to the village of Almonte. The Brotherhood is received at the gates of the City Hall of Huelva, by the Municipal Corporation between the chords of the municipal band. There a shower of rose petals fall on the Simpecado, among the curious looks and devotion of many Huelva.

At present, the Cavalcade of the Magi in Huelva maintains basically the same acts. Thus, the procession on the 5th, the visit to the sick and the emotional meeting with the elderly of the Asylum are maintained.

The retinue continues its route and arrives at the Naval Command. Then the traditional Salve Marinera is sung and prayed. The procession ends there, the badges are collected and the route begins. The Simpecado advances in its decorated wagon to the Rio Tinto Company Pier, where it turns to look at the city to say goodbye to her.

The first stop is at La Suelta. They take the opportunity to have lunch and give rest to the beasts, as agitated as the hearts of all the pilgrims, anxious to reach the Rocío to prostrate themselves before the Blanca Paloma (White Dove). The incomparable path between sand, rosemary and pine trees leads to Bodegones, a forest village where the night will be spent on a festive day of communion between all the pilgrims. After dawn, the Simpecado de la Hermandad de Huelva, begins its pilgrimage to the village of Almonteña, after celebrating the Mass of Campaign at nine o’clock. In Gato the stop is made to recover energy, before arriving at El Rocío, wrapped in the crowd, when the sun sets, between cheers to the Blanca Paloma and shouts of Huelva, Huelva!


Don’t miss the tours of the Simpecados and the pilgrims through the streets of our city. Especially moving are the Masses of Romero, the Salve Marinera and the shower of rose petals with which the people of Huelva celebrate this great popular festival.


Don’t miss the tours of the Simpecados and the pilgrims through the streets of our city. Especially moving are the Masses of Romero, the Salve Marinera and the shower of rose petals with which the people of Huelva celebrate this great popular festival.

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