Shopping in Huelva

Huelva is a city that combines historical charm with a modern atmosphere and also offers a diversified shopping experience that you won’t want to miss. From traditional markets to fun shopping areas, Huelva has something for everyone who loves shopping. A different way of getting to know our city while enjoying the best shopping options the city has to offer.

The commercial heart of Huelva beats in its historic centre, where the cobbled streets and charming architecture invite you to stroll and enjoy visiting a wide variety of shops and boutiques. From local fashion to international brands, these streets invite you to stroll around while discovering hidden treasures around every corner.

The commercial heart of Huelva

Berdigón Street is one of these streets that form part of the Open Commercial Centre of the Old Quarter of Huelva. There, businesses such as KA Internacional, Alfares, Tribeca, Trufo’s, Logo Accesorios, Chiguagua bijoux, Pronovias, etc., offer a wide variety of products, styles, etc., in a wide variety of…

The commercial heart of Huelva

Berdigón Street is one of these streets that form part of the Open Commercial Centre of the Old Quarter of Huelva. There, businesses such as KA Internacional, Alfares, Tribeca, Trufo’s, Logo Accesorios, Chiguagua bijoux, Pronovias, etc., offer a wide variety of products, styles, etc., in a wide variety of…

In Calle Concepción you will find national and international brands such as Mango, Stradivarius, Ale-Hop, Mayoral, Bimba y Lola… You can also go to Calles Méndez Núñez and Las Bocas where you will find perfume shops, shoe shops, decoration shops…

De compras

Shopping Centres

In addition to the shopping areas in the city centre, Huelva has modern shopping centres that offer a more contemporary shopping experience, with a wide range of shops, restaurants and entertainment options under one roof.

Such is the case of Aqualon, the Holea Shopping Centre, the CostaLuz shopping centre of Hipercor and El Corte Inglés or the Marismas del Polvorín Shopping Park.

Buying fresh food and produce

Another must-visit shopping area in Huelva is its traditional market, the Mercado del Carmen, where colours and aromas combine in a unique experience. Here, stalls selling fresh produce, handicrafts and local products will give you an authentic insight into local life.

Finally, on Sundays, in the Marismas del Polvorín there is a traditional street market where you can find clothes, fabrics, shoes, pickles, antiques, etcetera.

In short, for shopping lovers, Huelva invites you to enjoy an exciting and fun day where you will find a wide variety of products and commercial spaces.

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